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Friday, April 17, 2009

Twitter and hi5

Join Twitter its fast and very easy, I opened up my Windows paint and made a 48x48 pixel picture that will placed on my Twitter profile.

added a few Twitters and followed a few people for a start.

Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users' updates known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length which are displayed on the user's profile page and delivered to other users who have subscribed to them (known as followers). Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow anybody to access them. Users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website, Short Message Service (SMS) or applications such as Tweetie, Twitterrific, Twitterfon, TweetDeck and feedalizr. The service is free to use over the Internet, but using SMS may incur phone service provider fees

There are a few things to remember do not follow so many people, I did this once i followed around 1,400 people and it took so much time to remove them.

ok with what i did was i searched on Twitter for a while looking for people who had a high rate of followers and i only joined them i choose 30 of the highest ranked people with the most followers, once you follow someone your profile will be the first profile other people see on their list of followers, most of the time they will also follow you, just make sure when making your 48x48 pixel picture to go on your Twitter profile and pretty nice looking a nice color or something flashy, also make sure when making your Twitter profile you use a username related with your business or service.

After some time as more and more people also will join the people you also follow their profile will become on top and your profile will go back a few pages, so you might want to keep a list of their profiles handy in word pad or note pad or you could even send the list of names to yourself in an email, so about two weeks you might want to stop to follow them and then re-follow them again to keep your profile close to the top of their list of followers so this will also keep people who are looking for others to follow will also see you, but do not go crazy doing this all the time or could result in a ban of the one your trying to follow.

the list i found with a high amount of followers we're


hi5 is a social networking website In hi5, users create an online profile in order to show information such as interests, age and hometown and upload user pictures where users can post comments. hi5 also allows the user to create personal photo albums and set up a music player in the profile. Users can also send friend requests via e-mail to other users. When a person receives a friend request, he or she may accept or decline it, or block the user altogether. If the user accepts another user as a friend, the two will be connected directly or in the 1st degree. The user will then appear on the person's friend list and vice-versa.

Hi5 is easy and fast way to make friends they also have this little gadget like Twitter does which you can also use to post

try to make friends with as many people as you can but stay away from the Buzzes and things like that it's a waste of time.

but make sure you do post some comments on your friends profiles to get noticed but i would not post any spam


MySpace is a social networking website with an interactive, user-submitted network of friends, personal profiles, blogs, groups, photos, music, and videos for teenagers and adults

You could use Myspace but i wouldn't, for me i feel that Myspace gives the users too much use of their website allowing them to add so much crap on their profile that some profiles takes way too much time to load or in some cases have over powered my browser so for me it's not worth the time to search for friends on Myspace, But if you want to make a profile there then do it and only accept people who would want to add you as a friend it just takes too much to search for people there.

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